A multimedia compendium of splinternet

A multimedia compendium of splinternet
Photo by blocks / Unsplash

This week in Montreal is the invite-only inaugural edition of Splintercon, an event focused on innovative solutions for isolated networks. Here are some highlights:

Below are some multimedia delights from this week– and from the archives!– in podcasts and videos on internet infrastructure:


Tech Talk: Talking Tech with Mallory Knodel and Niels ten Oever On Inclusive Language in Internet Standards
CDT’s Tech Talk is a podcast where we dish on tech and Internet policy, while also explaining what these policies mean to our daily lives. You can find Tech Talk on Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, and Google Podcasts, as well as Stitcher and TuneIn. Back in 2018, CDT’s own, Mallory Knodel, teamed up with CDT Non-Resident […]

Niels ten Oever and I talk about the five year's we've spent trying to change racist language in technical standards.

19: Mallory Knodel on bits and bytes and human rights -- FOSS and Crafts

From the archives! This episode of FOSS & Crafts was recorded during the pandemic.


Call for Topics is still open for the 2024 State of the Net!

I spoke on an Atlantic Council event launch of a report on China's vision for the internet.

I created a playlist of all of the recorded session of the Human Rights Protocol Considerations Research Group. 27 videos: 2 days, 2 hours, 31 minutes, 24 seconds but you can watch them all at 2x speed!

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