A human rights-based approach to standards

A human rights-based approach to standards
Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț / Unsplash

I really enjoyed this conversation with colleagues in which I got to go into some of the specific threats to human rights in the current technical landscape. Video formats are fun, and so is reaching out to a new audience:

And on the theme of non-English contexts I also spoke with Anne Roth about NetMundial+20, who published her piece in German for Netzpolitik: https://netzpolitik.org/2024/netmundial10-internet-governance-10-jahre-nach-dem-snowden-schock/

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New this week

See you online and in Geneva next week for the WSIS+20 High Level Event and the AI for Good Summit

I'll be on a panel Thursday with the Global Network Initiative to talk about what multistakeholder internet governance is really like in practice for advocates who fall across both civil society and the technical community https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2024/Agenda/Session/307

Tuesday's main session with the ITU SG and OHCHR Director will be held to talk about a rights-based approach to standard setting in "Trust in Tech: Navigating Emerging Technologies and Human Rights in a Connected World" https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2024/Agenda/Session/246

Finally the focus of my engagement is a similar session on Wednesday hosted by the Dutch government, US government, CDT and ARTICLE 19 on human rights in tech standards. https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2024/Agenda/Session/172

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