A news-heavy week in standards

A news-heavy week in standards
Photo by Amador Loureiro / Unsplash

The US Trade Representative Katherine Tai spoke at the Atlantic Council earlier this week. I was a keen audience member because Tai has recently walked back lines drawn by the US in the WTO's e-commerce negotiations, which I've written about previously. A core quote from her interview,

"In short, we need to hit pause on digital trade policy. Pull back provisions that we know are not fit for the times. Engage, learn, and talk to each other, including in forums like this, and ask: how should we be approaching this? It's a domestic policy issue first. Before we bring it to the international realm, we need to figure out what works for the United States and our democracy at this moment, especially with the elections and the amount of disinformation and interference happening through information systems created by data and distribution platforms."

Clearly trade is consequential for the internet. Others have pointed out that the US positions on free and open principles should remain, otherwise it sends a poor message about how the internet ideally works. But the USTR didn't support important e-commerce provisions for FOSS because the US tech sector was against it. Civil society groups that care about equity and access should support these steps, which are backing away from Big Tech, not the internet.

The sentiment, at least, is plainly there. From her FT opinion piece, "We are also putting people at the centre of our review of digital trade rules." Read more (gift link):

Trade must transform its role in the social contract
From data to workers’ rights, we need to democratise economic opportunity

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